Book List

This is a list of Books recommended by some of our members.
Give them a look, check them out of the library, and remember we just forward the suggestions we get. If you have a book to suggest please e-mail the moderator at

A druid's book list

These are books recommended by our Druid members.

A Witch's book list

These are books recommended by our Wiccan and Witch members.

An eclectic's book list

These are books that are not on the other lists and are from a variety of spiritual perspectives.

and these stories and topics.......

Senchus Mor-the celtic laws and legal codes
The Mabinogion
Ancient Irish Tales, ed. by Tom P. Cross and Clark Harris Slover
Early Irish Myths and Sagas, tr. by Jeffrey Gantz
The Tain
Cath Maige Tuired: Second Battle of Mag Tuired
Lebor Gabála Erenn: Book of the Taking of Ireland (5 vols.),

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