The Reed is the twelfth month on the Celtic Tree Calendar. The Reed symbolizes fertility, protection, love and family concerns. It stands for established power. The reed flute is associated with Pan. The Reed is often associated with male divinity and kingship. The month of reed was the Season of death to druids, the beginning of winter. The symbolism of the reed, rod, scepter are symbols of power and authority derived from ancient tree worship. The Reed is the tree of scribes.
The reed becomes ready to cut in November. The Egyptian canna-reed which grows from thick roots like a tree was an ancient symbol for royalty in the eastern Mediterranean. In Egypt the reed was used to make scepters and arrows hence the Pharaohs of Egypt would should arrows in every direction to symbolism the Sun-god and their own sovernty. If the scepter broke the kind was believed to have lost his virility and vitality. The Irish used the reeds for thatching of roofs. A house was not completed or established until the roof was thatched. The dead stems rattle in the wind and are commonly referred to commonly as broom. The broom is a wide, bushy shrub that grows in abundance in the British Isles, and blooms in yellow pod-shaped flowers. It can grow to seven feet in height, and its stem can grow very thick and strong. . Its branches are often dried and used as brooms (as the name suggests,) and a decoction of young branches and seeds can be used to treat malaria, gout and painful joints. It is also a good diuretic. Oil drawn from the stems (by heating them over and open fire,) can be used to treat toothaches, and for the removal parasites such as lice.The Reed is used to make pens, thatching, mats, and baskets.
Reed people are very vital and vibrant. They are more likely to be male then female. But they will be good caretakers of their home and property. They may come across as cocky or arrogant for their aristocratic attitudes.