Spring Equinox is the day of equal day and night. This day of balance heralds the "light" half of the year.
Many people have been wanting to "spring" clean and if you have not done it by this time you may find your self hurrying around trying to get it done. Moving of your furniture, changing where you live, getting rid of those things that bugged you or just took up space all the winter long are now being given to good will and other charities as you clean up your physical life. Your spiritual cleaning probably started at Imbolc and you are now ready for the planting of the new seeds and objectives in your life for the coming days of growth and lightness.
Many rituals are marked by the blessing of seeds or by the use of eggs. Both of these symbols are symbols of fertility. The fields are now readied for planting. The seeds are blessed and then the first few or in some tellings the first row of seeds is ritually planted. Eggs were being laid by almost all birds and so some were gathered painted and in some areas buried in the fields or at the start of planting rows to bless the fields. Also, some tell of eggs being planted, with the name of a person you loved decorated on them, in order to bring love to you from that person for Beltaine.
If you take the time during this time to walk in nature you can feel the sap in the trees rising to meet the Sun's longer rays. Nature waking up all around you and coming alive but also calling the seeds of change and renewal within yourself to rise and come into the light and grow full and strong. The daffodils have poked their heads up and the bulbs you may have planted at Imbolc are now raising their heads to greet the day. The world around you feels waking and is coming alive again.